Monday 25 June 2012


Coffee at Mamuska with David and sketched a closeup of the escalator to the bingo place with customers on it. Finished this and had lunch at Lye Torng. I had been toying with the idea of going to Toulouse Lautrec but was a bit knackered after Sunday. I thought I might go on Tuesday or Wednesday, which are quiet nights for them. I shall probably go tonight or tomorrow and sketch the musician or the punters, or both. We shall see. I think this image is a bit darker than mine. I have since added the name of the shop 'Sensational' (or the bit that was showing). Being a creature of habit, I shall do a bit of shopping and have coffee in Mamuska this morning and do a bit of sketching. I should probably move around a bit and sketch in some different places. Tried to draw someone last night but it was not very successful. Must try harder.

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