I consumed three cocktails in succession today, Fortunately they were on the weak side so I managed to get home without noticeable staggering, and, apart from a short snooze in the afternoon which I often have anyway at weekends, no apparent side-effects. My tolerance to alcohol has definitely improved, though I still cannot keep up with most people I know. Then again, it could be that most people I know are serious alcoholics.
Put a few more pics on Flickr and some in groups. There is even a group for telly pictures, so put a couple of the trooping of the Colour on. I am still trying to decide whether to bother to have an exhibition in the autumn. For: I have quite a few paintings which fit into groups and I might make some money. Against: it will cost a lot to have them framed, the gallery will take a large commission, I will have to acquire a more up-to-date mailing list and pay for publicity and wine etc for the opening. Also nobody might come. Against is winning at the moment. With no transport, even if I buy frames from IKEA, getting them back will be a huge job, let alone all the work involved in actually framing them properly. I shall keep thinking about this. I may just frame a few in different frames to see how they look.
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