Madeleine rang about half an hour ago when she was due here. It seems that, having been driving around in her new car all day, she stopped to get some milk in Kensington High Street and the car is completely dead and will not start. She has called the garage she bought it from who don't have a clue what the problem can be, and has now called the AA. She is going to keep me posted. It seems that any arrangement she makes with me is totally doomed. Have just had a nice cup of tea in the garden - it is gloriously hot and sunny. Richmond Park would have been good.
Another call from Madeleine. It seems that the battery was badly fitted and not connecting so the AA are fixing it. She says she will be here around 4.30pm.
It is 8.30. Madeleine arrived at 4.30 in her new Peugeot which has an automatic roof which comes down when you press a button, very smart, and great in the summer.We drove to Richmond park, arriving at Pembroke Lodge in the sun. A wedding was going on outside so we had a musical accompaniment to our tea. There is a fantastic view as it is quite high up. We didn't have time to get to the Isabella, but the garden at Pembroke Lodge was very attractively planted. After this we tootled along to the Sun Inn in Barnes, looking at the 2m price tag of an old house they once owned, and had a drink, watching the ducks and geese in the pond for a while before coming back. A successful ending to a day with a bad start.
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