Went up to the Cafe Gallery with several prospective paintings, but eventually chose this one. I was subsequently requested to give a 'talking heads' type video monologue about my choice, to be played at the gallery when the exhibition went on. Throwing caution to the winds, I admitted that the Cleaner, a mild-looking middle-aged man with dark bushy eyebrows, was a man you would immediately call to clean up and dispose of the body, evidence etc., if you had murdered someone in a certain large town in Spain. He could also get you legal representation should the police eventually catch up. I then went on to talk about artistic influences etc. Since I never seem to be far from trouble, I suspect that the first part of the interview is the one which will be played. I do hope the Cleaner does not recognise himself and track me down to Southwark!
I may just avoid the opening.
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