Tuesday, 2 March 2010

General Uncertainties

Hmm. Romy tells me that the Toulouse Lautrec place next to the Lobster Pot has a special event for Mother's Day from 12 to 5, with a four course menu, music and magic. Sounds a giggle. Unfortunately my offspring does not notice the light of day until after five, let alone before 12. Oh well. Might not be ideal as there are dishes for children, so this event is probably aimed at much younger mothers and will be full of small children and babies. Hmmm. Someone should do an 'Old Mother's Day' event: perhaps a genteel cream tea with Lapsang Souchong, cucumber sandwiches, string quartet and a glass of sherry or champagne. I could manage this. I may however have breakfast there one Sunday - seems worth a try. Romy popped inside while she was passing and said that it looks good.

Must try to get to grips with the investments tomorrow. So far, the treasurer has come up with a product which seems to no longer exist, and Romy has come up with a couple more which sound fine, so I shall look at these again.

Madeleine will come around at some stage and we will have a Chinese lunch. I have some birthday presents for her to collect.

I may put a painting in for the Southwark 'Silver' thing. Had a look at them and can't choose, but there are several contenders. We shall see. Depends on whether I can be bothered to go to the town hall and hand one in. Unfortunately the exhibition is in the Cafe Gallery, miles away in Southwark Park, which involves a long walk through the park, and they have to be collected from there, so it may not happen. I have always been afraid of going into open spaces in Southwark, quite apart from the long walk.

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