Woke up at 5.10 am. Merry Christmas to all, including moi.
Romy sent me a thought for Christmas: What would have happened if it had been three wise women instead of three wise men? They would have asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable, made a casserole, brought practical gifts AND there would be peace on Earth.
Went out to drinks early last night and the minicab assured me that I could get transport back if I called between eight and nine. Well, when I arrived, the company was much depleted because of a death in the family of the main guest, who had been bringing most of the people. However there was a small and select group, and we enjoyed drinks and food including some delicious home made onion soup, which took me back to evenings with my first husband in the early sixties, drinking onion soup in Paris at Les Halles. When I wanted to leave the hostess, despite the later arrival of two more guests, insisted on cabbing me back in her hire car, which was very kind: I had rung three local minicabs, none of whom were answering their telephones. I shall remember not to go out on Christmas Eve in future unless on foot.
Talking of which I am limping around a little today, having somehow injured my foot: I woke up yesterday morning with the pain so I must have somehow twisted it during the night. This has rather limited my ability to leap all over the house, organising and preparing things for Julian and Dorothy's arrival.
Oh God, my neighbour is on her doorstep again in pyjamas and wearing rubber gloves. She seems to be lending a ladder to another neighbour, also seasonally clad in pyjamas.
Probably starting the spring cleaning early. Oh well.
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