As you can see, my snaps have strangely come back. My antlers fell down, so I fixed them above the mantel mirror and painted them white.
Dorothy has mucked about with my laptop and confirmed it has a problem, but says if I can get it to limp along for a bit he will be changing his laptop next year and I can then have his.
Dorothy and Django came to wish me a happy birthday, with some lovely roses, a bottle of fizz and a wonderful Liberty silk square designed by Grayson Perry. Dorothy played with the laptop, Julian played with Kook and it was really good to see them both again. Seems they may be going to India for a couple of weeks on business in January.
I finally discovered that Sainsbury's had left a voicemail which is hard to find on my new phone, telling me that they had failed to deliver and I should make a complete new order. They are such a pain. Now I can't get another delivery until next week.
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