Dear me - my neighbour spends so much time on her doorstep I wonder she bothers to go inside at all - think of the rent she would save by camping in the street. Down at the end perhaps, where there's a bit of grass. She could pitch a tent on this like a sinister gipsy, or she could be a lady in a van, parked opposite. Frequently emerging to shout at someone with her foghorn voice. Full of seasonal charity, I am.
I wonder if Sainsbury's will turn up. The deadline for their delivery is in ten minutes. If they don't appear within the next half hour I shall have to attempt to contact them.
Today a huge shipment of white tissue paper arrived, just in time for present wrapping. I have decided that this is the tasteful option. Nicky Haslam recommends drawing paper, but it seems rather a waste, and too stiff. Admittedly the tissue paper is of the commercial variety, so rather cheap, but tant pis. I shall compensate with fancy ribbon.
I wish the grocery delivery would come soon as I do want to get out and do some shopping.
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