to my reader (me) and anyone else who might come across my blog today. Malvolio has thoughtfully not woken me until 7am and I am running a bath and planning my day. I was a bit cold during the night, and there are a few snowflakes falling this morning. you can just about see some tiny blobby bits on the image above.
The snow is increasing but the flakes are very fine. Somehow it reminds me of the time, about this time of year, when I looked out of my window in Barcelona and saw snowflakes coming down. It was such a surprise, and a small child outside with his father was whooping with joy and trying to catch the snowflakes. I thought it may have been the first snow he had seen.
I have now had breakfast and am contemplating having a bath which I will need to have soon in order to ring Nibby in Kangaroo Valley at around 9am, my usual time, though she may be in Sydney with Saffron and her family for Easter. I am so looking forward to seeing Nibby again in May.
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