Here are the other flowers.
There were masses of SE1 people at the lunch today, about 12. Also Jackie's reunited partner and his son and wife. We had some great dim sum chosen by Juanita who is Chinese, so good to have an expert present, and quite similar to the dim sum we usually have when I go there with Dorothy and Julian.
I spoke to Kate today and we are trying to arrange a meeting with our friend Evon who is having a fairly awful time now. Fixed on a date or two, so waiting to hear from Evon.
I have just put some spelt flour bread with a bit of added oats in the oven. Made it with the easy soda bread method, so we shall see. Apparently a lot of people really like the taste of spelt bread, so looking forward to it.
There has been a short but dramatic hailstorm this afternoon with thunder, despite the cold and wind. It is so like Spain. Romy texted me to say the cat had five kittens which they are observing, and there have been thunderstorms there as well. I do hope Romy will do something to stem the endless flow of kittens in Spain. She is well on the way to becoming a cat lady, surrounded by hundreds of them, and soon she won't come back to England as she will be too busy running a cat orphanage. It reminds me of an old boss of mine, Joy Mostyn who ran the London FPA at one point. She told me that when she was a child she kept a white mouse hidden in their large house. Then found several babies. After a while she said there were so many that she had to confess about the population explosion. Which would explain why she worked in Family Planning. I think I may have told this story already, but it seems appropriate.
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