Was reading a health article about a study in China I think. Anyway it was a large study of old people and apparently they tend not to get enough vitamin D. Apparently can help avoid heart conditions, diabetes and I think Alzheimer's (can't remember!). Nibby tells me that they have discovered in Australia that everyone is so paranoid about skin cancer that they put a huge amount of sunblock on and don't get the vitamin D from the sun.
Anyway, apart from making a bit of an effort to get some sun, I have decided to go for the oily fish. Being a cheapskate, I decided that sardines on toast are the thing. As well as fresh salmon and all kinds of other fish. Waitrose now do these two kinds of sardine in olive oil, one with chilis and one with lemon, both delicious. Hyacinthe Parmentier also do some with herbes de Provence and extra virgin oliver oil at a rather higher price (but more in the tin).
I like them mashed up and put on toast, then grilled for a bit. Alternately, the old fashioned French 'hors d'oeuvres variees' which consists of a couple of drained sardines straight out of the tin, a halved hard boiled egg and a finely sliced tomato, with a couple of lettuce leaves, drizzed with olive oil, seasoned with salt and sprinkled with parsley. A 'different' summer starter.
No, I am not being paid by Waitrose (more's the pity).
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