Friday, 11 May 2007

Cat Fight and Egg Mystery

Looked outside this morning and the pond pump had stopped working, the solar light was lying on its side as was a huge plant pot. I suspect a midnight cat confrontation.

I shall have to take the bulbs out of the plant pot and repot them. It has obviously been raining for half the night. I have still not tried turning the solar light on as I don't think there has been enough sun so will leave it to absorb more sunlight hopefully for another day.

I cannot decide what to have for breakfast: porridge or fried pancetta with a couple of eggs. I think the pancetta is winning. Unfortunately, Tesco seem to have run out of Black Forest Ham, which I prefer. Strangely, the Mabel Pearman's Burford Brown eggs seem to have grown to an enormous size. I have been eating these for ages, usually described as of mixed weight, and usually rather small, hence two for breakfast. However the last couple of boxes have contained absolutely enormous eggs. I wonder if the hens are mutating?

On TV the other day they showed a news item about a boy who had put a box of Cotswold Legbars in an incubator and one had hatched, so he had a pet chicken - quite healthy looking. Perhaps I should try this, as you can now buy a foxproof hen container which looks a bit like a large version of a cat carrier. I always fancied keeping chickens. They could stagger around the garden and the kitchen and when I was at work and at night I could pack them (or rather, it)up safely in the hennery.

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