Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Colonel Ghaddafi, Rosario and IKEA

My brain has definitely gone. I did not fancy Saddam Hussein. It was that guy in Jordan - Colonel Ghaddafi. I knew it was someone in a silly uniform.

My friend Bob's mum, Rosario, rang tonight. Haven't heard from her in many years. She is teaching piano a bit and trying to get someone to quote to do her kitchen. Reluctantly suggested IKEA as, if she can only get them to sort her out, they are extremely reasonable. Having suggested them, it seems they were trying to deliver the last piece, a door,here today. They left a note to say IKEA had given them two wrong phone numbers for me and would I phone them re redelivery! I shall ring them tomorrow and when the bits are delivered, I will ring the fitter, who is more reliable than the stores, fortunately. Then the kitchen will be complete. I must tell Rosario if she is getting formica tops only to get the postformed ones.

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