The valve came. Cab was £12. I do hope it fits.
Someone from E-search rang to contact Dorothy. A bit suspicious, I took their number and passed it on. They seem to be some kind of market research outfit.
I looked at the solar light I had put in the garden and at last there seems to be enought sunlight to feed it. I shall let it absorb a couple of days sunshine before I try it at night. At least it was very cheap in the sale if it is not very good.
I am feeling very tired today but must do a little local shopping as it is rather late to think of going in to work, so will take today as annual leave as I never seem to take the full amount of leave due. Because I do a fair amount of overtime it is hard to fit leave in between events at work. I shall endeavour to take some time off in August or September when my sister Nibby comes over from Australia, and maybe a week or so in Barcelona in October.
My plumber arrived and said the valve looked completely different. It was. It was plastic and the other had been brass. He removed the old brass one. The O ring had failed, causing the brass to rub away causing the leak. He thought the brass had been badly cast. He fitted the new one which took a long time because it was rather different and it mended the leak and was much better to use, though I don't know how long it will last as it is only plastic. Maybe I can find another spare one. He refused to let me pay as he felt that I had been let down badly by the manufacturers which of course were in China. His own tap suppliers are in fact his manufacturers and will always agree to put things right without cost.
Bought a Dragon Fruit. It is pinky red with bits sticking out all over. Cut off the top and the fruit is white with tiny black seeds and can be eaten like a boiled egg. Not a huge flavour but pleasant and very attractive.
We are attempting to arrange a meeting of the vixens. One is going to let me have all her available dates. Another has given me a few dates in June, so I am hoping the other two can fit in with some of these. Piss-ups and breweries come to mind. I am looking forward to making a trifle. Shall use Marsala instead of sherry.
Just watched the Gilbert and George Imagine programme and downloaded their picture. Dont know how to print it I only have a little laptop and no printer. We shall see. I am interested in their fascination with plane trees. I too have always been intrigued by plane trees and have taken a few photographs of these in the past.
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