Had a glass of wine with my cartoonist friend, Thom. I purchased my newspapers, then strayed into one of those cheapo shops, Peacocks, where I bought a pair of footless tights in leopardskin, (got one bit over left ankle and gave up - too small) for £4 so anyone yearning for a pair of these, please contact, and missing my hair after the new haircut, a hairpiece for £6. This was considerably more successful and attaches with a comb. It is highlighted blond and virtually matches my current colour. So I can still occasionally have a long hair look.
I have started making a sauerkraut dish. I put some chopped onions in goose fat, then put in some lumps of fatty Polish bacon, and also a bit of chorizo for colour. Seasoned with caraway seeds and quite a bit of gin, then chucked in a jar of sauerkraut and some sliced 'country' Polish sausages. There is far too much of this for one. I may be eating it for days.
I may have some of the Badger beer with it which was sent by Ocado a few weeks ago as a free gift with my shopping.
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