A restless night. My diabetic cat, Malvolio, started stalking around the room at about 2am, finally knocking over a large picture which had been leaning against the wall. I got up and he wandered about the kitchen. Thinking he might have been disorientated, I gave him a small amount of dry food, then let him outside for a few minutes. After which he wandered around my room for a bit longer before going to sleep in the wardrobe. This morning, Malvolio is fine.
Oh dear, I am buying again. I think my judgement is definitely impaired in the mornings. I was watching a shopping programme on TV and became transfixed by the most vulgar bag I have ever seen. A giant handbag made by Butler and Wilson, it featured animal print and a huge tiger face on either side, banded with what looks like gold leather with huge studs, and gold ends. I became completely hypnotised while I picked up the telephone and - Reader, I bought it. I blame our recent visit to Woburn Safari Park. I do not know how I could bear to walk outside the house with this. I have been comforting myself with the fact that big, bold bag fashion is de rigueur now, and that my plain black dress might enable me to carry it off, so to speak, but I am in fear and trembling of its arrival in the post. The positive side is that it is quite enormous and I can stuff lots of shopping in it.
I shall have to stop watching TV in the morning.