Monday, 24 September 2007

Back from Spain, Lie In and Rocky Tarte

Julian and Dorothy back - Dorothy with awful flu for the past few days, but has to go back to work today because of scheduled stuff.

Woke naturally at 8am. Malvolio also just woke up in the spare room. It is absolutely pouring with rain outside for the first time in ages. And a little chilly. I have turned the pump off in the fishpond as recommended but not sure if the fish will be OK with hibernating as the pond is so shallow and may have a leak as it has to be topped up every couple of days. I am wondering if there is a way to build the sides up a bit to get a better height of water. Unlikely I should imagine as the extra water would press against the sides a lot. Oh well.

The tarte Tatin went rock hard in the fridge. I think sweet pastry reacts this way, as some I kept in the fridge before cooking also did this. Maybe to do with the high fat content. Have taken it out to see if it softens up a bit, or it will have to be chucked away.

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