Sunday, 30 September 2007

Family Resemblance Still Sinking In

This is an old snap of me at about 22. The face is very similar to that of my father.

It has been quite a shock at my advanced age to see my father's face for the first time. The photograph was taken when he was a young man, and apart from the hairline, the physical details: eyes, nose, mouth and chin are virtually identical to mine as a young woman. I have seen my face for 65 years in the mirror, and often thought I did not resemble my mother very much and wondered who I did resemble. Well, now I know. My niece says that we look like twins and she can see a strong resemblance to Dorothy. In the photo I was prepared to see a similarity to me, but not prepared for the strength of this and the emotions it would cause.

I have dug out some snaps from my youth, and several of them, including one in particular (above) illustrates the similarity. I shall try and send some to Mykel, who sent me the snap of my father. I shall consult with Dorothy how I can transfer my father's snap to my iphoto collection so that I can put it together with one of me at a similar age.

The lamb stew was delicious. I shall attempt a beef stew or casserole soon.

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