Managed to force myself into John Lewis yesterday. No copper pans, but I eventually found a rather good small frying pan from Le Creuset, just slightly larger and deeper than the one I already use for Tarte Tatin, so decided to buy it. Fortunately the handle is an integral part of the pan, so suitable for oven use. Must buy some apples or pears and try it out. Romy says she makes her Tarte Tatin with sweet pastry, and I am inclined to agree that this may turn out rather better than puff pastry.
I had a look at the food processors while I was in John Lewis, and I think the small 3200 Magimix might be suitable for me, as it looks as though it does everything I need, but is slightly smaller than the others.
Decided to get my hair done on a whim, so staggered into House of Fraser and fortunately they were able to do it. I now feel slightly more human. And more blonde.
Fetish woke me this morning, but not until 8am, so I had a couple of extra hours of sleep. Winter must be coming, though it is not very cold.
I have taken to ironing my clothes, something I have never done before. Perhaps I am becoming eccentric. Or it could be the novelty of owning a proper ironing board and discovering I can iron quite well sitting down, which I have never done before.
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