Was idly making a call or two with the telly on a couple of days ago and suddenly my face loomed up large on the screen with my Deidre Barlow's saying 'bangers and mash'. Quite put me off my call. Apparently I have popped up several times during the South part of Britain's Best Dish, but fortunately I have managed to miss most of these.
Now have three guys willing to quote for laying the floor, two for the decorating, so only have to arrange to get rid of the sofa and get some hairy-arsed guy to carry the TV downstairs before I can begin sorting out the sitting room.
The dyeing was a bit of a failure, but still determined, I shall purchase some more dye and put the pillow shams in separately with one lot, and redip the quilt with another lot. If it is no good I shall try again as I am determined to succeed with at least one of my awful quilts. I am trying to persuade myself that I should not just chuck it away, and that if I manage to get the colour more even by repeated dyeing, it will look fabulous.
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