Wednesday 8 April 2009

Tomcat Smell, Tiny Mavis and Broken Teapot Handle

Last day at work this week. Need to try and tie up a couple of odds and ends re holidays and outings.

A stranger somehow got in overnight - strong smell of tomcat in the flat. Malvolio not too happy. Mavis, my neighbour's cat, is wolfing down her food but remains tiny and slim, I am so envious. Her owner may be back Saturday night or Sunday, must listen out to make sure she doesn't miss a meal. Roadworks still deafening outside. Trying to ram too much into a cupboard I managed to break the handle of my nice little batchelor silver teapot. Looking at it, I think the best thing is to measure the holes in the silver handle container bits, the distance between top and bottom handles, and maybe try and find a cheap old silver plate teapot to remove the handle from. We shall see. Since the black bit on the lid is also broken, and these bits just screw in, may be able to cannibalise that too. Or buy yet another silver teapot. Maybe not....must purchase some more canvases tomorrow.

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