Friday 5 September 2008

Malvolio and the Vet

What a day. I caught Malvolio and nearly had him in his basket when he escaped. Time was getting on and he had to be at the vet surgery, so I managed to catch him once more by luring him into the kitchen where he was hoping for breakfast and grabbing him quickly. I thrust him into his basket and fortunately a cab arrived soon. Unfortunately he is still diabetic so the jabs have to continue, but now I need to replace the insulin every eight weeks.

The SE1 lunch at the Chop House was cancelled yet again, so I had a very good sizzling chicken with garlic at Lye Torng where they are gradually replacing all the chairs with some made in Thailand. They have already replaced the rather tired sofas with some Thai wooden benches.

Just had a call from the vet. They have taken out two teeth and the antibiotics have improved Malvolio's sores in the mouth corners so I shall continue with them. His food will need liquidising for a day or two and he will have anti-inflammatory pills. He will have a check up on Monday, and the following week will have to spend Monday all day at the vet having his blood sugars done to make sure he is on the right dose of insulin. What a palaver. Still, if it all makes him feel better it will be worth it.
I shall collect him in an hour or so and I expect he will be quite drowsy for the rest of the day.

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