Sunday 18 July 2010

Holiday Problems

Oh dear. Received a text from Romy, one faller in A & E and Romy with her waiting to be seen , then another faller being dealt with by one helper, then another feeling faint and dizzy with the last helper. So no spare helpers at the moment.

Romy rang back later. The faller had recovered somewhat, but the other appears to be worse, in bed, and vomiting. Seems she had become overheated and did not drink enough fluids. Romy said she had slept under an eiderdown in a boiling hot room with the window closed - so hardly surprising she was ill, but the vomiting sounded rather worrying.

Monday morning. No further news so I assume all is well. My kidney is hurting rather a lot, as usual for the morning, but I trust will improve during the day.

Made myself useful planting a lavender plant, doing two loads of washing, tidying up the garden, taking a dress to be shortened and doing a little shopping. After that, lunch at Lye Torng before painting yet another seascape. I was sitting in the sun in the garden for a bit, when I noticed two more triffids growing near my fence: one about eight inches tall and the other a couple of feet. The bamboo is camouflaged by the dull brown outside leaves. Romy has spoken to our Thailand expert and I have consulted Nibby who are both adamant that the plants must be destroyed before they start entering my house from below, starting with the patio. What a nightmare. I have ordered some Roundup spray and some Roundup root and trunk killer, both of which should arrive soon. The trick seems to be to apply the roundup within 15 seconds of cutting the stem so that the sap carries it back to the roots. I am more convinced by the guy who, in addition, takes a long handled electric drill to the stem centre as well then fills this with Roundup. We shall see. I shall not proceed until expert help is at hand. By then I will no doubt have a jungle to clear. Flame throwers come to mind.

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