Saturday 5 March 2011

Another Plateau

Dear me, I have overeaten. Weight remained the same this week. Must try harder. Perhaps I should try a lettuce diet for a week.

No word from Dorothy or Julian in Chicago, but hope they are having a good time.

Today is Sunday lunch at Le Bouchon. I spent most of yesterday pottering about the flat, doing washing and tidying and rearranging things. Despite which, the place still looks totally chaotic.

Kook is being adorable and allowing me to groom him, with only the occasional light nip. He still has some fur clumps which need cutting out, though.

Pancake day on Tuesday. Shrove Tuesday, followed by Ash Wednesday, when we used to wear a cross of grey ash on our foreheads as children, I seem to remember. I think they are fasting days, which might be very appropriate in my case.

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