Wednesday 9 January 2013

Spring Clean Progress

At Nibby's behest, have started painting the hall stairs and bannisters. Quel cauchemare. Pale silvery grey paint all over the place, but I shall persist, painting doughtily over the dust with horrible thick one coat paint until it at least looks lighter and cleaner. Nicos will arrive for a short stay next Tuesday so it needs to be finished by then. Can't get any snaps on to the AirBnb site. I shall have to discuss my problems with Dorothy here. The kitchen floor (black marble tiles) looks very dull and disgusting. Nibby thinks I should recoat it with the evil stuff that came with it. This may help. Otherwise I shall have to try and find some horrible sticky varnish stuff. We shall see. If all else fails I can cover it with vinyl flooring. It could hardly look worse than now. I have noticed something strange. Since some time last year when I posted someone showing their arse in an unattractive way at the London College of Communication cafe, they have moved the tables to be sideways on to the large picture windows. I like to feel I have contributed to, or maybe even caused this onset of decency in South London. Pensioner power prevails, though you would not think so reading the attacks by government agents in the press. All the millionairs receiving heating allowance have been lumped in with ordinary state pensioners in one suggestion that only those in receipt of pension credit should receive heating allowance and TV licence payment (not payable to anyone under 75 in any case). Those of us with £1 or two who are just outside pension credit payability already lose out a lot since pension credit is a 'gateway' benefit and affects council tax, ability to get free specs etc. You would think they would be content to kill us off in hospitals and nursing homes with all the scandals revealed almost daily in the press: 'starvation', 'left lying in faeces' etc. etc. Rant over. Later today I shall attempt to reseal the kitchen floor. First jam at Brasserie Toulouse Lautrec on Monday. And I have been doing a sketch a day, however brief and rough. Good practise.

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