Sunday 1 June 2008

Looming Depression

I was feeling extremely depressed last night so I rang Dorothy, who is trying to escape work problems for the weekend, after rows and problems. After googling a few methods of suicide, the favourite of which is apparently to take a drug overdose of easily available drugs washed down with alcohol, and not finding this very exciting, I decided to look on the positive side - which seemed to mainly consist of the Friday lunch club, which would give me something to look forward to, and to meet some new people.

I knew I was becoming a bit 'down' when I started rapidly making purchases from the shopping channel: some strange hollow glass bulbs with tubes, which you fill with water and upend into flower containers so that you can water gradually from the roots. I ordered two lots of four, so I now have lots of glass bulbs bubbling away as the water pours into the earth, a bit pointless with the rain, but may be handy during a dry summer. I also purchased a few lavender plants which have not yet arrived, and an Easy Yo yoghourt maker, plus some extra sachets of the powder which apparently does not contain the emulsifiers in shop bought yoghourt and tastes very good. Given that you can use the stuff for making dressings, putting in potatoes, etc etc, these may be fun to try.

I am also toying with the idea of growing vegetables. I would start with tomatoes but with my recent allergic experience might try some herbs and maybe some potatoes instead.

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