Tuesday 21 September 2010

People in Black

I think my nasty neighbour was going to a funeral today. Someone dressed smartly in black called and she appeared, also dressed all in black - unheard of normally. Funerals seem to be popular in our street.

Work today and our auditor came to try and help me with various bits and pieces, and thankfully, to deliver our salaries. Struggled with bits of a report for a short time, then left early to regain my sanity.

My upstairs neighbour had a friend with a baby visiting so left the buggy in the hall downstairs with a note in case I needed her to get rid of it (the buggy not the baby - too late for that). Actually it is easier to pick your way past a buggy than a bike for some reason. I suppose you are not likely to bump your head against the wheels.

My PAC code came today, but not my MAC code, and no sign of a sim card. But three pairs of navy knee-highs arrived from Mytights.com - Trasparenze is the make, good solid colours and only a fiver each. Now I am waiting for a Meade Lux Lewis piano boogie CD from Amazon and some culinary lavender essence: one kind for hot food like cakes and the other for cold puddings and ice cream.

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