Wednesday 31 March 2010

Strange Stuff and Starving Kook

Someone keeps ringing up and hanging up and when I dial 1471 it is always an unobtainable number. I wonder who is stalking me/trying to sell me rubbish?

Even weirder, I heard a noise outside last night, then saw someone creeping around in the area outside my front basement window - rather alarming. I could just see his shadow through the curtains lit by the street light. Hmmmm. Perhaps the Cleaner has caught wind of my forthcoming exposure of his nefarious business and is stalking around my flat.

Kooky has become more and more demanding and wants food all the time. I am just about managing to be firm with him. He was OK until a few days ago.

I shall attempt to tidy up a bit tonight because the cleaner is coming tomorrow. There's not much on TV as I am too tired to watch Slumdog Millionaire.

Madeleine is rather exercised about getting rid of a rather persistent distant relative. She is trying to do this and be nice at the same time. I suspect she will have to be firm and vile at the same time. We shall see.

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