Thursday 3 May 2012

Rainy Day Eating

Discovered tiny mice eating the black sunflower seeds out of the bird feeder, which is why the Kookster is paying this so much attention. I am now breeding mice. This weather is boring me to the kitchen, to overeat. So dull. Ideas for exhibition title: 'Unconsidered Trifles', Private View, At Home, My Stuff. I have been persuaded against the outsider idea, as artists think this is a bad label and not one to pursue. Oh well. To try and discourage myself from eating sweet stuff made some more relish with olives, capers, garlic, black pepper, lemon zest, anchovies in oil, and this time, spicy sardines in olive oil, with some cinnamon and paprika, whizzed up in the Magimix. Tastes OK. Perhaps I should call it Ladies' Relish. Did some more drab sketches today which I may snap tomorrow.

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