Thursday 13 December 2012

Thursday Again

picked up my new specs and bought food at M & S (champagne reduced to half price so bought a bottle for Christmas). Finished my antiwar soldiers piece and carted the bathroom cabinet down to the spare room which is the ideal place for it. I have far too many books. Today I got up a ladder and with a long brush attempted to repaint the ceiling corner stained from previous leaks. Despite first spraying with fixative the stain came through. I may do it with another kind of paint, not sure. My plan is to decorate the spare room a bit when I have disposed of all the books on a temporary basis. I think red and green will be ideal, given that I do have quite a few red and green things about the place. We shall see. Saw a text message on my phone from my former lodger asking if she could pick up the socks she had left behind. The message apparently was sent around 6.15 but I did not see it until this morning early. I texted back to say I would be in tonight, then she texted suggesting Friday when I will be out at the SE1 dinner. I give up. I have never thought about a TV as a dietary aid before, but I do nothing but eat now I don't have one. Boredom no doubt, despite reading such a lot. I have been reading Oscar Wilde's 'A Critic in Pall Mall' and am now on to Walter Pater essays for the Guardian. All this has led me to read The Chiang Tzu, which is a bit puzzling. Hmmm........ AND the damn parcel still hasn't come. Of course. I am trying to adopt a calm Taoist approach to this, but failing so far. The joys of a slug of Scotch in coffee are sustaining me though.

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