Thursday 24 September 2009


Same pain in the night but only had to get up twice during the night, so less disturbance. Because of this I also slept better.

A resignation arrived in the post today dated 18th but not posted until several days later. Hmmm... I do hope things will now calm down a bit and a normal service can be resumed. Sent out the invites for a musical lunch in October, with a couple of singers which Romy found. We are having a proper lunch to test out yet another new caterer, so hope they come up with the goods. All we have to do is find a few more raffle prizes. Will send out the Turkey and Tinsel break invitations next week. Romy is going to try and get some rather more able-bodied helpers since there are two coachloads of people. I will see if I can get a feeder for the Kookster in case my feeble services are required. Then all we have to do is organise a Christmas shopping trip or two and we have the theatre in early December. The next challenge is the New year party, before we are into next years' round of events.

Julian is coming to Selfridge's with me on Wednesday to have a look at the Vidal Sassoon wigs, which should be amusing.

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