Sunday 30 May 2010

Black Dog Rules

Still somewhat depressed. Not helped by an email from my niece who wants to sell things online, and thinking to be helpful if I went out to buy things to sell, was going to have a web site with a 'Mad Aunt Sue' section. Now I have not seen this niece for several years so I can only assume Nibby has been carrying reports to her about my 'madness' - though it could of course be related to my ill-advised appearance on the Dickinson show. I really can't think of anything else. Anyway I advised my niece that I can hardly get out of the house so would not be in a position to get out and look for bits and pieces to sell from her website, and had stopped selling on Ebay because it is difficult for me to even pack things up and take them to the post office and queue for hours to post them.

I think in fact I may well be suffering from agoraphobia as well as depression. I just can't force myself out even to purchase a newspaper today, despite the sun having come out. I am just pottering around the house, putting washing in the machine, trimming things in the garden, and trying to sort out paperwork.

Let's hope things improve by tomorrow.

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