Friday 4 February 2011

Forgotten Appointment and Spare Bodies

Rather worryingly, I missed my GP appointment, because I somehow thought it was for 4pm, whereas I had clearly written 3pm in my diary. I could not see the GP so put in a repeat prescription request. My brain is definitely going.

Which reminds me, I received the body donation application form. Dear me, it is very complicated indeed. People who are obese (that's me) are ruled out, as are those who have had a postmortem; infectious diseases such as viral hepatitis; HIV/ AIDS; tuberculosis; if any organs other than corneas have been donated; some (unspecified)forms of dementia; severe bedsores or varicose ulcers or recent surgery where the wound has not healed; gross peripheral oedema and severe deformity of the spine. Also if the death occurs abroad, or if it occurs in UK over the Christmas or Easter periods when the medical schools are closed.

Well, I think that would exclude most of the recently deceased population. Also they may not decide whether to accept a body until they actually examine it, and there are all sorts of formalities. Much more complicated than arranging any funeral. Imagine the disappointment of your relatives, having been grateful to get rid of your body for science, when the medical school ring back and ask them to collect the corpse because it is not suitable. So they have to unexpectedly have to organise and pay for your funeral. I must watch Soylent Green again. We could learn a lot from it.

It really is a whole lot of bother. Hopefully by the time I croak I will no longer be obese, though I feel Alzheimer's encroaching with my missed appointment. The amount of bureaucracy involved would be worse for my heirs than organising a simple funeral. I had hoped to just sign the forms and they would collect the old bod and do whatever they wanted, since I wouldn't be using it myself. I am such an optimist. Hmmmmm.

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