Saturday 21 November 2009

Christmas Pudding Recipe

(just in case I can't find it again).

2 eggs
grated zest of 1 orange and 1 lemon
2 oz warmed Golden Syrup
4oz hard butter grated
4oz self raising flour
4oz demerara sugar
2oz grated carrot
4oz fresh breadcrumbs
8oz sultanas
8oz raisins
2oz peeled almonds
2oz glace cherries
half teaspoon mixed spice
half teaspoon cinnamon

mix all dry ingredients then butter then everything else, stir well put in greased pudding bowls cover well and steam for at least four and a half hours. Then another hour before serving.

I sometimes replace the raisins with more sultanas and leave the cherries and almonds whole which give the puds an attractive look when eating. The syrup can be halved and mixed with a bit of blackstrap molasses or black treacle to darken the pudding. This can be made and used immediately but equally well kept for a year or so. Oh, and the sugar can be halved and the other half replaced by Barbados sugar.

I may have put this recipe in last year. It has always proved an extremely successful Christmas pudding, and tends to appeal to people (like me) who normally can't stand Christmas pudding.

I serve it with brandy butter and cream. It is my mother's wartime recipe. She used to make a frothy warm sauce involving cream and sherry to pour over it.

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