Saturday 14 April 2012

Friday 13th

It really was. Opening my bank statement I noticed a couple of payments I did not recognise, so rang the fraud department of my bank. They checked on these and then another unauthorized payment which had been made. The troubles caused by using a card! Anyway they have cancelled this now thank goodness and will send me a new one. Don't know if I lose the money which was taken, but hope not on a state pension.

I then caught the Kookster and had to take him to the vet for his annual checkup. He was most distressed by a large young dog in there and we had to put a towel over his carrying case to calm him down. Fortunately the dog went away eventually. The vet says Sir K's weight is steady and he is fine, so just a jab and a worming tablet. I shall check him for fleas and send off for some stuff if he becomes a fleabag, though he is fine at the moment.

Today I am due to visit a Crisis art exhibition in aid of homeless people. Apparently people like Tracy Emin have contributed some pieces which should raise some dosh. The artwork will be auctioned by Christies after the exhibition has finished.

Tomorrow I shall pop in to Waterloo Action Centre to see the exhibition there.

Nibby's phone 'out of order' this morning. At least the sun is shining.

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