Thursday 22 January 2009

Spotty Face, Successful Meeting, Missing Dorothy, Faint Hearted Painter and Punters Party

I never thought I would get spots at my age. I have been eating too many chocs and it has definitely brought them on. My face is now smeared in toothpaste which helps dry them up and I shall have to put an inch of makeup on tomorrow to cover them up.

Last night was our first meeting of the year, and all went well. We elected a new chair and vice-chair and did a lot of business including giving a generous grant to a small local organisation, which was satisfying. I don't think I was home before 11pm so Malvolio was a bit sour and very hungry. Then I woke up at 6am this morning, but made Malvolio have his breakfast after seven to make a sufficiently large gap between his insulin doses, which were still probably too close together. Well, he seems OK tonight.

I had not heard from Dorothy despite lots of emails so sent my usual 'are you ok?' text to no avail, so rang Dorothy who had been very busy dealing with tax matters and stress etc. etc. It seems the whole speaker and CD thing is very complicated and I should have something called an ipod, but since i cant even get the cds to work with the computer, I think I may give up on the whole thing and try to find a CD player, something we used to call a funkbox. Otherwise I shall have a huge collection of CDs which I have never heard.

The art materials have arrived, except the paint which should come in the next day or two so I shall have to purchase some dust sheets. I have not ventured near the sketch book again but must have another go soon, despite disappointing results.

Punters party tomorrow. I have masses of super raffle prizes to bring upstairs before carting off when Romy arrives to collect me. It will be a fairly full-on day, which I hope will be a success. Not sure what to wear yet.

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