Sunday 24 February 2008

Absolutely Fed Up

It is now 10pm and I haven't a clue what is happening. I shall go to bed, the shopping will arrive at 8-9pm and I shall just have to play it by ear.

I must remember to avoid anything like this in the future. Unfortunately, if we are to go ahead, instead of starting with a positive attitude, I am now so hacked off with the whole thing that I will need a huge sense of humour transplant. With any luck the whole thing will be off, and, apart from having landed myself with masses of unwanted groceries, at least the flat will be looking better and I will be able to relax and get on with other things.

Malvolio is whingeing a bit. I think he is having a pre-bedtime food beg. Unless he is whingeing in sympathy which I somehow doubt.

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