Saturday 2 February 2008

More Domestic Trivia

I wondered why I have been aching so much recently. I have for once been eating five a day, mostly fruit, and just read that fructose is really bad for arthritis, so maybe four veg and one fruit might be better government advice in my case.

I have spoken to Dorian, who might be an extremely reluctant possible kitchen accomplice if Romy cannot do it, but it depends on which day etc. I shall have to sound out another possibility or two I suspect.

It is absolutely freezing. Had an excellent chicken Pad Thai for lunch and have retired to sleep it off. I really must try and get to the shops, if only to purchase a tin opener since mine has fallen to pieces.

Just woke up and it is 5pm. No wonder I can't go to sleep early at night. Malvolio has clawed me awake to give him his dinner and is trying to get me away from the computer now. The amaryllis looks as though it is going to be a lovely creamy white, but needs to open more before I am sure.

Have just heard about a site called which is quite funny. Lots of pictures of dogs (and a few owners) dressed as bees. Does not compete with but still pretty good.

It is Dorian's birthday on Monday week, and my turn to pay for lunch, so we may revisit our first venue, Simpsons, which we have so much enjoyed, unless he has another idea in the next few days.

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