Monday 27 December 2010

Tuesday 28th December

Last night, Kook was delivered home. Julian and Dorothy brought him back and left immediately. Dorothy thinks that Julian is stressed by letting him go. He settled in as though he had never left, to the degree of biting my arm at 5am when he decided I should get up. I grabbed him, and taking Julian's advice, stuffed him down the bed under the covers and held him there. He eventually managed to escape and avoided my bed after that. I got up at six and fed him and he has gone out to re-acquaint himself with his territory.

I suspect that he may have frequent visits to the Borough, judging by his behaviour at Baglady Towers. We shall see. He certainly seems to have some empathy with Julian and Dorothy, and so far, has not attacked them.

With all the food in the house, it is rather a struggle to get back on track with my diet. I may have to jettison some of this, though as a wartime baby, it is against my instincts to throw away food. I have frozen what I can, though, and the huge pot of soup will last for several days. Pity the Lye Torng is closed, they could have used the surplus bananas for their banana cake, and the sweets and liqueur chocs would have found a home.

Julian and Dorothy had purchased a new mouse for my computer a week or two ago. This is now not working, which is a damn nuisance. I suspect the problem lies with my faulty laptop rather than the mouse itself.

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