Friday 22 October 2010

Ai Wei Wei and Gauguin

I have to say my 'elder' visit to Tate Modern has only confirmed me in my low opinion of Gauguin's work. Most people seem to be very keen judging by the huge crowds queuing up to get in. I am a bit of a philistine no doubt despite eight years of art education. Was more impressed by Ai Wei Wei. Just looks like a huge field of grey gravel, but like sunflower seeds close up, and on picking up, individually made ceramic seeds, which are quite heavy. China is a big place.

Had lunch at Lye Torng, and a quiet afternoon doing the washing and watching daytime TV, which everyone pours scorn on. Oh well, suits me, anyway.

Masses of junk mail, but can't resist looking at lots of catalogues before discarding them.

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