Friday 19 November 2010

End of the Week

Yesterday's trip went off successfully. I managed to find a white Amaryllis and a string of garlic and one of onions from France, now hanging rustically in my kitchen. We saw three reindeer and a robin, I successfully swapped all three of my roast potatoes for some carrots and parsnips, so total excess was avoided, and only swallowed one small glass of wine. Romy wheeled a punter around and helped with her shopping before doing some of her own at the last minute. I hope next week's outing to Bluewater goes as well.

Quiet day today. Dorothy made it to an industry meeting last night before working today. Seems not only was our flat broken into, but there was a fire in the main parts caused by faulty electrics, mending in progress, but also problems with damp and cracking in the balconies. This will apparently be fixed but at large expenditure to the residents. That apartment is working out to be quite expensive.

Kook made a tentative nip at my head this evening at feeding time, but was discouraged by being swept away again. His attacks, though daily, are getting far less vicious.

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