Wednesday 10 November 2010

Vile Meeting

Last night's meeting was indeed ghastly. Everyone was fine, apart from the usual suspect, who was very aggressive and unpleasant all evening. Fortunately I think everyone else was as bored as I was by his continued irrelevant interruptions. Even the Chairman commented that he was very rude to me. Oh well.

Fortunately I had chosen the wrong dinner, which looked very unattractive, so did not eat much at all, and just one small glass of wine. I had quite forgotten that the traditional English way to serve liver is in huge, livid lumps, rather than the Italian way, in thin, elegant slices. I suspect also that this huge mound was pig rather than lamb or calves liver.

I was very glad to get home, and after giving Kook some more snacks and a short grooming, went straight to bed.

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