Saturday 20 November 2010

Fatter than Ever

Aargh - put on half a pound today. I suspect that eating meals in the Lye Torng, albeit without most of the sauce and rice, is the cause of this. Together with the glass of wine and pudding I ate on Thursday. I have definitely felt hungrier in the colder weather, so must be very careful next week.

Re-reading The Stray Sod Country which is improving all the time. Some books need to be read several times to appreciate them properly.

I seem to be semi-hibernating - last night I fell asleep before 9pm downstairs, so went straight to bed and slept until Kook woke me, thankfully at 6am rather than 5. Nine hours sleep seems rather a lot, but I did wake up once or twice in the night.

I shall ring Nibby this morning for her news from Oz. No Sunday lunch for me today. I shall purchase another Iceberg lettuce which, chopped up and dressed with vinegar, will form the base of a couple of dinners, with meat or tuna on top. And maybe some peppers or tomato. I have made a fairly substantial warming soup with lentils and green beans, suitably diluted with chicken stock, which will make a good starter.

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