Saturday 13 November 2010

Remembrance Sunday

I was dreading weighing myself today, but in fact I am pleased to report the loss of 4lb, which is a decent step in the right direction. I think I may be rather erratic in my weight loss, despite sticking to the number of calories advised.

Seeking a bit of self-improvement, I read about a youngish woman who transformed several ailing businesses into world class organisations. I was quite surprised that she read many motivational books. She seemed particularly keen on John C Maxwell's '21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader'. I had always assumed that such books were only read by unsuccessful salesmen. I immediately purchased this slim volume at a discounted price from Amazon. I have to say that, even if one were not the slightest bit interested in leadership, the book is a good reminder of how to cope successfully with life, and is definitely a bearable read, unlike so many of those ubiquitous business theory tomes.

Reading the Prisoner Ben blog, I feel so sorry that he has been left on tenterhooks for a couple of weeks regarding his parole hearing, but glad he is concentrating on organising his Ph.D study, which will help under such difficult circumstances.

Remembrance Sunday today. I usually watch this on TV, but may avoid it today, depending on the weather. I am thinking of wandering down the Walworth Road and having my customary lunch in the Beaten Path. We shall see. First I shall ring my sister Nibby in Kangaroo Valley.

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