Monday 15 November 2010

Monday Morning

Dear me - reading 'Qualities of a leader' has been somewhat depressing, reminding me of my endless shortcomings. Seems I am a slacker, showing lack of commitment; courage; communication; competence; discernment; etc. etc. I may crawl into a hole and hibernate. Reading this is a bit like being told off by one's parents when a teenager. The fact that I even think this demonstrates rather tragic immaturity. Well, never mind. I shall just have to try harder (or being realistic)just try. At least my faults have been pointed out.

Shall put in a repeat prescription request today, then off to Debenham's for Tony to improve my hair, which will be a boost to the morale, I hope.

Programme on the radio about how we are using the left side of the brain too much. Reminds me of the really clever book Nibby gave me, called 'drawing on the right side of the brain', which dotty though it sounds, seems to be able to teach any fule to draw, so long as they stick to it and practise.

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