Saturday 19 January 2008

Filboid Studge

The Manuka honey came and is extremely messy to apply but I shall persist to see if it has any effect. I had forgotten I had also bought some green lipped mussel capsules which I hoped would help with my mobility. As I was trying to get one of these out of the packet it burst, and a vile-smelling powder came out. I managed to get rid of the mess and swore to be more careful when removing the capsules. They must be good for you, I decided, as they smelt so awful.

Somehow this reminded me of a story by P.G. Wodehouse - actually I am mistaken, it was Saki, where someone had invented an unpleasant breakfast cereal with the appropriate name of 'Filboid Studge', which was so revolting that everyone decided it must be beneficial. It grew in popularity until the whole nation took to it and the guy made his fortune.

Perhaps it is the childhood memory of being administered daily doses of malt, occasional spoonfuls of syrup of figs, and rather awful cough mixtures and so on, and being told: 'go on, take it, it will do you good' which fixes these ideas in your mind. Anyway, we shall see. Judging by the smell, I am extremely hopeful and expect to be skipping around like a five year old very soon. Unless it is all untrue and we British really are all masochists.

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