Monday 7 December 2009


Further disaster in that I have been up half the night feeling quite unwell. I shall struggle into the office this morning, but my evening out at the Royal Opera House is in peril. I am desperately trying to think of anyone who could use the ticket. Julian probably wouldn't fancy it. Since I have the ticket at home it might be difficult to get it to anyone. Bad reviews haven't helped. Oh well, I shall take it into the office with me just in case anyone there can use it. I was really looking forward to it, but it is a long performance and I don't think I could sit through it. Things may improve during the day. I shall stuff myself with medication and hope for the best.

Kooky is being a little strange. He appears not to have used his poo station for a couple of days. I can only hope he is pooing outside. It is rather unfortunate that he is venturing outside the garden because he is in more danger of being attacked or run over now. Still, it is his natural instinct to wander.

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