Thursday 23 July 2009

Romy Back and Jacqui's Party

Jacqui's party tonight. The weather looks rather dismal so may just look in for a short time before hibernating once more. Romy back today bearing gifts: three lovely scarves, a jar of Paladin and a packet of some new Paladin flakes to use in the microwave. Lovely. Romy's holiday was good but too short. I have told her that two weeks is the optimum amount off,which I read in a survey years ago. It seems that four weeks is too long, one week is too short, and the best is between two and three weeks. I suppose in that you are packing, travelling, and thinking about the next move or recovering from the journey for a day or two either end, ten days in the middle to enjoy the holidays is OK.

Because I will have been at work with no time for cooking, I shall provide strawberries and blackberries plus some wine for the party. The Kent blackberries are quite sweet at the moment. The variety, which has very long fruit, is called Kotata, which does not sound very 'local'.

I was hoping to wear something pretty with my new pearls but will probably don a heavy mac and Sou'Wester in the current weather. We shall see.

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