Sunday 7 October 2007

Redecoration Obsession and Failure to Reach John Lewis

I think I may be becoming a bit obsessed. I had coffee in the shopping centre and was reading the Saturday Guardian where I found some interesting websites dealing with recycled goods for furnishing, the best of which was where you can buy a recycled Victorian bath as a sofa. This is a huge temptation to someone trashy and gimmicky like me, but not sure if the floor would have to be reinforced since the baths are cast iron and no doubt very heavy. Another article in the mag referred to an artist and her husband who basically found stuff or got it very cheaply. Looking at their house was oddly familiar and I realised I had done this myself, and while it was a comfortable look it was strangely depressing. There was a third article about some people with a chateau in France who had bought everything from Ebay. Cheap antiques mainly. Inspired by this, I spent several hours marking things I could buy from Ebay. However I was looking at very modern stuff and found quite a lot.

No turquoise dye, so I may force myself to go to John Lewis. I keep intending to do this and failing, but will make a further mental, and maybe physical effort, as the quilt which is half-dyed is lying in a sorry heap apparently reproaching me for my dismal attempt at improving it.

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