Wednesday 31 October 2007

Sexual Liberation - in a Christmas Catalogue

Amongst the pile of junk mail was a catalogue from people called 'Christmas Gifts Direct'. I was about to throw it away unopened but I had just made a cup of coffee and decided to browse through it while drinking this. It was full of fairly boring and some nasty cheap items and things I could not imagine anyone buying, such as a mug covered in cigarettes with the lame legend: 'smoking is my choice so **** off."

On the next page was described as 'adult fun - novelty gifts for him and her' including a money box tin with the legend 'nip'n' tuck fund'; dream hunk mugs: 'add hot water and watch their clothes disappear' ; several items such as a radio, cushion, stress ball - all featuring large nippled 'Boobs'; and slightly scarily, a large pink fluffy Vibe Bunny toy ' With massager in zip pocket at reverse'. All this, and several more 'massagers' , including the rather dodgy looking 'cone' massager, complete with diagrams: 'can be attached to the wall, a door, or on the floor'.

Dear me, all I wanted was a cup of coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am still loving your blog - even more so now that I have left not only SE1 but the UK as well. It's so nice to read about John Lewis, Ikea and the like. Good luck with all your renovations (as they call decorating here in New Zealand).